Sunday, April 15, 2012

easter post, a few days late

What was it like going from walking on water to walking on coals and being consumed by fire that was not Holy Spirit-sent. What was it like not only seeing death but walking side-by-side with its sheath and its weight for a weekend. Being surrounded by a genocide of souls and an eternal scream. Staring into sunken eyes and rotted organs. What was it like going from an electorate of gnashing jaws and spitting mouths to this. What was it like to taste blood by the pint and chew on your own teeth, tonguing the empty sockets and the jagged roots. I wonder what the aftermath of all those lives looked like. Choking him. Dragging him down. Holding him with the burden of their spirits. and we think graveyards are scary at night.

I wonder how beautiful life and our screwed up earthly souls looked after that vacation. I wonder what life would've looked like after death. Were the colours so great that they burned him? Was laughter so sharp that it pierced? Or were we all just covered in the slime of naivety and love and joy, like infant adults? Oh, what his eyes must have seen that mine never have to see.

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